hey. we created a source for Rescript web application and it sends the data to segment destination. I am doing this: Avo.initAvo(~env=#dev, ~segmentSothebysWebDestination=inspectorCustomDestination, ()) and you could see that there is a required property called segmentSothebysWebDestination and according to the Rescript code the type of this is the following: type avoCustomDestination = { make: (avoEnvType, option(string)) => unit, logEvent: (string, Js.Json.t) => unit, logPage: (string, Js.Json.t) => unit, revenue: (float, Js.Json.t) => unit, setUserProperties: (string, Js.Json.t) => unit, identify: (string) => unit, unidentify: unit => unit, setGroupProperties: (string, string, Js.Json.t) => unit, addCurrentUserToGroup: (string, string, Js.Json.t) => unit, logEventWithGroups: (string, Js.Json.t, Js.Json.t) => unit }; it means that all properties are required but in your doc here: https://www.avo.app/docs/implementation/reference/javascript#destination-interface-example you could see that some methods are optional like (make, revenue, setGroupProperties etc) is it a bug in your code for rescript? because for exmaple in Typescript code all properties are optional