We're proud to announce a couple of enhancements to property validation:
Event-specific allowed values
Regex support
. Both are designed to improve the accuracy of your property definitions, ensuring faster and more accurate implementation.
Event-specific allowed values
–the most requested feature in Avo history–provide greater flexibility in managing property values across different events. Previously, any specific property values had to be applied globally, leading to potential misuse and cluttered implementation. Now you can define and manage property values for individual use cases at the event level.
This enables you to contain the scope of changes to your tracking plan and streamline implementation, leaving you with a cleaner and more organized tracking plan. The intuitive UX for editing allowed values directly from either the event or property details gives you complete control and visibility over your allowed property values.
Regex property validation
tackles the challenges of validating complex string values that have requirements beyond a set of allowed values. Until now, users had to rely on generic string types and manual descriptions to handle intricate validations like date formats or unique ID patterns. With our new Regex rule type, you can now document and validate these complex string patterns directly by documenting regular expressions and providing real-time examples for validation.
This enhancement not only improves development efficiency by documenting the regex as part of Codegen but is also included in our publishing integrations to allow you to accurately validate property values in your downstream tools.
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We hope you'll find these improvements useful when defining your properties in Avo. To read more about event-specific allowed values and Regex validation, head over to our updated property documentation.